Versão Português


Welcome to Still App Privacy Policy and Treatment of Personal Data. The purpose of this policy is to show you, the user of our app, in a transparent and simple way, that we follow all the rules for the protection of your Personal Data and, consequently, protect your privacy.

If you are uncomfortable reading this policy and have any difficulty understanding any of the terms here, please do not worry! Just contact us at and we will be happy to answer your questions.

After reading this policy, which will always be available for your consultation, you will be aware of what Personal Data will be collected and how it will be handled.

We emphasize that we will never use your data for profit! We comply with the law and will always be willing to clarify anything that needs to be clarified.

We also ask you, if you disagree with anything in this policy, to discontinue access to the app and let us know what has upset you.

We are always willing to give you the best experience possible.


To better understand this Policy, the following definitions should be considered:

Cookies: small files sent to your browser or devices that store your preferences and other information about how and when Our Environments are visited, as well as how many people access them.

Personal Data or Data: Data relating to an individual that is capable of identifying him/her or making him/her identifiable. For example: Name, e-mail, ID number, personal preferences, IP address, geolocation, etc.

Sensitive Personal Data: is any data concerning racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, membership of a labor union or religious, philosophical or political organization, data concerning health or sex life, genetic or biometric data when linked to a physical person.

Applicable legislation: all legislation on privacy and protection of Personal Data, especially Law No. 13,709/2018 (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais - LGPD).

Our environments: designates the electronic address

Policy: is this Privacy and Personal Data Treatment Policy.

Data Subject: You, the natural person to whom the Personal Data refer.

Processing: any operation carried out with Personal Data, such as those related to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, filing, storage, deletion, evaluation or control of the information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction


How We Collect Data. When you use our app, we will collect certain Personal Data, including the following:

What do we collect?What do we collect it for?
Digital Identity Data
Source IP Address and Logical Port
  1. Identify and authenticate you.
  2. Comply with legal obligations of record keeping established by the Marco Civil da Internet - Law 12,965/2014.
  3. Protect You by performing fraud prevention, credit protection and associated risks, and compliance with legal and regulatory obligations
  4. To enable the provision of service by checking the location
Device (operating system version)

We emphasize that no personal data is provided to access the virtual environment. We only send you a password so that you can check internal information about the school, such as the calendar and class schedule.

About the Data You Provide to Us. Always be aware of the data you provide to us, because you are solely responsible for the accuracy, veracity or lack thereof of the Data you provide. If there has been any change, you must notify us so that we can update it.

Database. With the collection of your data, we make a database that will always be our property, so that its use, access and sharing, when necessary, will be done within the limits and business purposes described in this Policy.

About the technologies we use. We use the following technologies:

  1. Cookies, and it is up to you to configure your browser to allow or not allow their use. We recommend that you do not block "cookies" at this time, as we use them only for access identification, and if you do, your access may be interrupted;
  2. Among others that are used only for development and maintenance of our application, which does not collect any information directly from your mobile device without authorization.


We always avoid sharing the data you provide. However, data sharing is necessary in some cases, such as the following:

  1. With competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities, whenever there is a legal determination, request, requirement or order to that effect;
  2. With service providers or partner companies to facilitate, provide or perform activities related to our service, such as sharing data to receive payment for the service we are providing to you.
  3. With marketing and advertising companies, to deliver the promotions and information appropriate to your profile, never using your data for commercial and profit-making purposes and;
  4. Automatically, in case of any merger, acquisition or incorporation of Still App, the sharing of data with the company/people involved in the operation will be inevitable.

If you have any questions about who we share your Personal Data with, please contact us at and we will be, once again, happy to help.

We are very well trained to protect your data and thus your privacy.


We are very well trained to protect your data and thus your privacy.

From the very beginning of the company, the Data Protection Culture was already in place.

Thus, we have a Governance Policy and Good Practices internationals, so that we frequently guide our employees with training and educational activities, so that our team is always atten- tive and keeps our culture in practice.

Following our internal policy, your data that has been collected is accessed only by duly authorized professionals, always respecting the proportionality, necessity and relevance to our business objectives.

We will never misuse your data, rest assured. This is our commitment to you!


Don't forget, you are also responsible for the confidentiality of your data.

Please be aware that sharing passwords and access data violates our Policy and can compromise the security of your Data and our app.

If you notice or become aware that your account security has been compromised, please contact us ( and let us know what happened.


We store your collected Data and activity logs in a secure and controlled environment.

We use our servers located in Brazil and also servers in the cloud computing (AWS), eventually processing personal data outside Brazil.

Don't be alarmed, because these treatments with foreign companies are in compliance with the applicable legislations, maintaining a compliance equal to what we do in Brazil or even stricter than what is stated in the General Law of Data Protection.

We only store your Data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected (to provide our service) or to comply with any legal and regulatory obligations or to preserve rights.

Upon expiration of the maintenance period and legal necessity, Data will be deleted using secure disposal methods or used in anonymized form (so that you are not identified, as we have explained) for statistical purposes.


Yes, you have rights.

The LGPD brought several rights related to your Personal Data, so you can easily exercise them, provided you contact our Customer Service Channel at the end of our Policy.

  1. Confirmation and Access: If you wish to know, you may request confirmation that your Personal Data has been processed and access to it by requesting copies of the records we have about you.
  2. Correction: If your Data is incomplete, inaccurate, or out of date, you may request correction.
  3. Anonymization, Blocking or Deletion: You may request that your Data be anonymized so that it can no longer be linked to you. You may also request that your Data be blocked, temporarily suspending the possibility of processing for certain purposes, or even that your Data be deleted.
  4. Portability: If you wish, you may request your Data in structured and interoperable form (data in a transparent form that can communicate with another system) for the purpose of transferring it to a third party, while respecting our intellectual property and trade secrets.
  5. Sharing Information: While respecting our intellectual property and trade secrets, you may request information about third parties (business partners, credit card companies, etc.) with whom we share your Data.
  6. Withdrawal of consent: If you have ever consented on our website (by checking a checkbox) for us to process your Personal Data, you may choose to withdraw this consent.

    Revocation of consent will not affect the legality of any previously performed Processing.

    If you withdraw consent for purposes essential to the provision of our service or use of the application, unfortunately, these may become unavailable to you.

  7. Opposition: you may object to the processing of your Data if you do not agree with a particular purpose.

Whenever you make a request, in order to exercise your rights, Still App, may possibly ask you to submit a request.

will provide additional information to prove their identity, in order to prevent fraud.

We promise to respond to your request in a reasonable time and always comply with the legislation.

We may not be able to fulfill your requests in the following cases:

  1. If the application violates our intellectual property or trade secrets;
  2. When there is a legal or regulatory obligation to retain Data; and
  3. When it is necessary for us to retain Data to enable us or others to defend ourselves in disputes of any kind (If someone files a lawsuit, we need the Data to defend ourselves in the lawsuit, see?)


You acknowledge and agree that we may change the contents of this Policy at any time.

Small changes are always necessary, but if there is a relevant update, you will be notified through the contact information you provide. This Privacy Policy will always be available for consultation.

Should any part of this Policy be held to be unenforceable by a Data Authority or court, the remaining terms will remain in full force and effect. Again, feel free to ask us any questions you need.

E-mail for contact:

This Policy will be interpreted according to the Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, being elected the jurisdiction of your domicile to settle any controversy involving this document, unless specific exception of personal, territorial or functional jurisdiction by the applicable legislation.